Corul Datina – Premiul I la Gala Colindelor si Traditiilor Romanesti, Craiova, 05.12.2022
December 6, 2022
Proiectul Judetean de educatie civica si voluntariat “Zambeste spre Viitor”, Editia I, an scolar 2022 – 2023
January 18, 2023Our students are good athletes. Here are some of their accomplishments:
“Cupa Satelor” 2022 – In November 2022, 16 sports teams remained in the Competition, from 53 that were at the very beginning. Our school team is among the first 16 that are going to the next phase of the competition.
16 echipe au mai rămas în cursă pentru Cupa Satelor! În această săptămână, ultimele meciuri din 2022
Duminică, 6 noiembrie 2022, elevii Școlii Gimnaziale Măgura au participat la Concursul Național de alergare pe șosea “Memorial ,,Constantin Teofilescu” din Drăgășani. On Sunday 6th November, students from Scoala Gimnaziala Magura got first and third place to the National Contest” Constantin Teofilescu” from Dragasani City, Valcea County.
Locul I-Tudorache Antonio / First place
Locul III- Mitita Dumitru / Third place